Lately I´ve been hard to reach, I´ve been too long on my own.Everybody has a private world where they can be all alone, are you calling me? Are you trying to get trought? Are you reaching out for me? Like I´m reaching out for you...

Ignoro las reglas por otros impuestas, quedar bien o mal me importa una mierda !

Ignoro las reglas por otros impuestas, quedar bien o mal me importa una mierda !

lunes, 18 de julio de 2011

Quiero escapar, un mundo nuevo encontrar
Dejar todo atras, empezar a volar
No puedo soportar con esa gente hablar
Siguen mintiendo, nunca se van a cansar?

Mantienen sus mentiras hasta ultimo momento
De verdad creen que alguien les sigue creyendo?
Yo estoy sola y diciendo la verdad,
Sera que la mentira genera amistad?

 No creo en la mentira por eso no creo en dios
No creo en la mentira por eso no creo en voss!

Con sus mascaras a todos lados van,
Tarde o temprano se caeran,
Prefiero estar sola diciendo la verdad, 
que rodeada de gente qe no sea real.

No me gusta la mentira, por eso no creo en dios,
No me gusta la mentira, por eso no creo en vos !

Se desarman sus miradas cuando digo realidades
Se derrumban sus ideas cuando les digo que no son inmortales
Creen en mentiras no se como siguen viviendo,
Creen que en el cielo o el infierno continuaran existiendo
Solo repiten como robots, lo que un libro errado les dicto
No piensan , no tienen uso de razon, ese libro el cerebro les lavo!
Siguen a las masas, actuan sin pensar, si todos se pegan un tiro, ellos tambien lo haran!

Influenciados por los medios de comunicacion, esa es su unica educacion
No aspiran a ser profesionales, ni tampoco personas " normales" 
Lo unico que quieren es ejercer la prostitucion, pero de otra manera, en la television!
Los comerciales son sus ideales, las novelas sus vidas reales.
Donde la gente inteligente quedo, donde estan aquellos que no ven television?
Donde se fueron las personas que no tienen religion, donde estan aquellos que no creen en dios?

No creo en la mentira, por eso no creo en dios
No creo en la mentira, por eso no creo en vos!

miércoles, 22 de junio de 2011

There´s so many people in this world but I don´t care at all!
All I want is to smoke and touch the AIR, AIR, AIR
So much people in this world and I could`nt find someone to love
So much people in this town and all I do is, RUN, RUN, RUN 
Many people make difference about blue, white or black
So much people critize they way I ACT, I ACT, I ACT.
I´m not black, I´m not blue, I´m not white, I´m not like YOU
That´s a luckily thing to do, cause you are all the SAME, SAME, SAME
But difference is never acept that´s why I´m always rejected
But I don´t care cause you are all the SAME, SAME, SAME.

I don´t believe in god, I´ve lost all my faith
Maybe the reason is that the world is full of people like you
They can´t see other side,they think they do all right
I know somethings aren´t right but your mental stability is out.

But I don´t really care at all I prefer to be alone and doing things wrong wrong wrong
Than with my friends watching tv, voting for democracy, going to church and doing things right, right, right.
That´s not the way I like, like , like!
I don´t believe in governments, I don´t believe in policesmen
I don´t believe in your fucking damn god, am I all wrong? wrong? wrong?

I know I won´t go to heaven, I don´t believe in hell or heaven
I prefer to kill myself anyway I´m going to be eating by worms worms worms!
I don´t believe in politics, they all lie, hide and kill
I don´t want to vote for a murderer or a cheater
I just don´t need no hierarchy, all we need is anarchy, no a false democracy
Governments and politics, full of lies, full of cheat
They don´t want a good nation, they just care about them economization!

We don´t need hierarchy, go to hell democracy, go on and live anarchy
No one is better than anyone, no one is better than anyone...
Why should we give our responsability to another person to take care of our country?
Are we so much stupid? Are we so blind?
We can´t see what is right, we need someone to show us lies
They use tv to manage our mind, showing how we are supossed to do things right
Our brains are collapsed, full of lies, lies lies 

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

Por que mentirme ami misma diciendo que estoy bien?
Si cada vez que voy a actuar algo malo va a suceder
Me dicen que soy negativa, y puede que sea verdad
Pero como voy a ser positiva cuando observo la realidad

Sola estoy, no se ni a donde voy,
Mi futuro es incierto, mi corazon un desierto
Un espacio vacio invade mi cuerpo

Miro gente ami alrededor, todos parecen saber quien soy
Todos saben que debo hacer,pero yo voy a enloquecer
La gente me dice que mi negacion, solo me va llevar ala perdicion
Intente ser positva y no me salio, todo va de mal en peor

A ellos todo le sale bien, y yo aqui cansada ya de perder.
Miro al costado esta vacio, y ellos rodeados de muchos amigos
Tanto cariño en un solo lugar, por que no tiran un poco por aca?
Estoy cansada de estar sola, por que me quieren tan pocas personas

Sola estoy, no se ni a donde voy,
Mi futuro es incierto, mi corazon un desierto
Un espacio vacio invade mi cuerpo
Sin fuerzas para levantarme,Tampoco para caer.
Aca sigo en la misma posicion que ayer.
Intento mejorar pero no creo poder
Todo me sale mal,lo unico que hago es perder

Sola siempre estuve, sola voy a estar
La ilusion de la compañia, corriendo se va

Cada vez que creo que algo bueno va a suceder
todo se echa perder,y caigo otra vez

Nada en mi vida es como yo quiero
Me miro al espejo , no soy quien espero

Miro a mis pocos amigos, no creo que me quieran Cada uno tiene quien los quiera.
Miro ami familia, todo es una mierda, los buenos estan muertos, los malos prosperan

Y aca sigo sola, no se a donde voy, ala deriva yo siempre estoy.
Un dia me quieren, al otro ya no, no les importa a donde voy.
Si estoy presente me ignoran completamente,
Si estoy ausente les da igual,si estoy bien o mal que mas da?

Sola siempre estuve, sola voy a estar
La ilusion de la compañia, corriendo se va

Cada vez que creo que algo bueno va a suceder
todo se echa perder,y caigo otra vez

martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

I don't agree when you say that I'm not right
cause I´m free and I´ll do all what I want
I´ll keep here sitting all day and wasting my time,
I´ll go out and fuck everybody in the town,
and it´s alright, cause I´m free and I´ll make it alright
I´ll have sex with everybody in this world, and If I got hiv it´s going to be my fault !
I won´t feel guilty if I´m doing things wrong cause I do it for my own

No one takes decisions for myself, cause I´ve got voice, I´ve got eyes, and I can´t tell everything that I want
I´ll fight for my rights, cause be free is my number one right!
And shut your mouth is number two, cause freedom is all I´ve got.
I´m not asking for your opinion and I don´t care if you don´t agree, cause If I´m ok with myself no one else has to be
Forgive me for being so wrong but sometimes I just don´t know
Forgive me to make mistakes but I didn´t learn to make things ok

It sounds like you are perfect, and you make everything alright
but you don´t know how does it feel when there´s no one by your side
You got friends, you got boyfriend but I´m alone and you don´t care.
So let me be free alone, in my way. I´ll be whoever I want, I´ll be whatever I want
and it´s going to be my fault
My freedom is all I care, I don´t want to change, I don´t need no change.
I love being who I am.
I don´t want to waste my time, doing things that I don´t like.
I´ll do all what I want, cause that is what life is about

I´ll leave everything and runaway from here cause I´m alone in this life
and I don´t want to hear, I don´t want to hear your advice,
I don´t want no apoligize. I´m better alone anyway, I know you won´t understand !
I´m tired of be what you want me to be, I´ll never be that way
You must to know that I am ok , in my own way.
I don´t need no one to tell what I must to do or say, I´m ok being in my way
I won´t follow the rules you make, cause everything I do, I do it ok.
And If I do it wrong, it´s going to be for my fault.
I make my own decisions, I make my own mistakes, If I am right or if I am wrong
it´s going to be ok, because that is for the decisions I take

miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011

The Stupid Box

There are too much stupid people in this world, there is no time to think, just to watch tv. Is all they do living a lie behind the scene, thinking about buy a new tv, they just sit and watch it all day, waiting their life to make some change. They just want to be like they, is all they really care, being famous for some stupid reason. Just appear in television, don´t matter if it looks ridiculous.

They believe that happiness is to get two big tits, show them on tv and your life will suceed.

They don´t take time to realize what is right. They don´t want to lose the new reality,but they just think in other people lifes, wich their only difference is that they are in to a box, they won´t get out, they haven´t got choice.

They are alienated, their brains are polluted. They are raised with some rules being stupid is the first, being a whore is the second, but don´t forget the third you can´t have any neurons.

Wash your brain is what they want, put new Ideas on it. They want you to think in just one way, you must be a ignorant don´t ignore them. There´s no where to run, we are alienated. we need to save us all so turn it off, turn it off now, so maybe you recover your neurons but not at all. Brain damage is what they did, you can´t be save please buy a new tv,sit all day, watch they live !

sábado, 25 de diciembre de 2010

Never leave a side what I thought one time. Follow my own rules till the day I die. You are so predictable, there´s nothing you can do that could surprise me, your actions are obvious, your words haven´t got a real meaning for me, the value of your words is gone, nothing you can say is true for me, nothing you can do will make me change cause I don´t believe in you anyway.

sábado, 18 de diciembre de 2010

Por que dices que me entiendes?
Si en realidad ni comprendes…
Mi manera de ser, ni mi manera de ver…
Y por que dices que me entiendes?
Si en realidad ni comprendes…
Quien yo soy
y lo que por este mundo hago y doy…
y por que finges escuchar…?
cuando te vengo a contar…
la tristeza de ayer…
tu deberias saber…
es ignorancia,
nuestro peor enemigo…
es ignorancia,
es ignorancia,
nuestro peor enemigo,
mejor voy a contarle a mi amigos…

vas enseñando mentiras…
y con tu propaganda fulminas
toda imaginación, vas matando la emocion,
como pretendes al cielo llegar...
si en la tierra no hiciste mas que mentira y traicionar...
asi no lo vas a lograr...
quieres hacer del espiritu ciencia,
adaptando la historia a tu conveniencia...
pero ya partio el tren...
te quedes en el andén...
de la ignorancia,
nuestro peor enemigo...
la ignorancia
mejor voy a contarle a mi amigos que
la ignorancia
es nuestro peor enemigo…
mejor voy a contarle a mi amigos

es nuestro peor enemigo...
la ignorancia
mejor voy a contarle a mi amigos que
es ignorancia
es nuestro peor enemigo…
mejor voy a contarle a mi amigos. 

viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2010

Nothing is clear in my mind, everything is dark, I wonder why
Fears are the only ones who are beside me, and I believe they won´t leave me

You are so away from us, I wish you were near, 
I wish you were here, and you can help me to make front to this fear
Too much things has happened this year, I wonder why you went away from here
I just can´t hear your voice anymore, I just can´t feel your hug no more.
You are not holding me to night, I wonder why

Tears doesn´t go away, I just can´t stop feeling pain
This years has been the hardest I´ve lived
And is all because of you my dear

Nothing is the same,I miss you and  is getting stronger each day
I believe that this won´t ever change, and my heart won´t ever feel safe again
I feel the loneliness all around me, no one is by my side, I feel more alone everynight.
From the day you left me, I realized I was alone, and that anybody want me in the way  you do
 So I wonder why do they want to be called like friends,if they don´t care if  I feel pain
So I wonder why they want to be called like friends, they don´t believe that I need help
And what has happened to me is the worst that I´ve faced.

I know that I am strong enough, but alone nobody can, look at you
Your end was tragic too.
But they don´t care, they believe I am mad, they believe that I am bad
And I don´t realize that I just want some attention, they don´t even mention me
I feel like they don´t care the way I feel inside, they believe that I haven´t got feeling at all
They think that my heart is fucking rock, and I can´t feel love.

So how can I call they friends? If they don´t even call or send a message asking how am I today?
Those are little things but I need this. So did you ever feel alone? I know you did it too. So did you ever feel ignore? Cause I feel it each day more.
So tell me how do I do to recognize who want me too?, Cause I can´t keep here without knowing the true.
I am asking for help but no one can see me too. They just judge me for all that I do!

sábado, 4 de diciembre de 2010

Words has lost their meaning . Nothing is the same
Yes and no doesn´t mean the same than yesterday
When I say something I know it´s not going to change,
but when you say something we don´t know where it  will ends

You say the words like they doesn´t have value.
But words are just more than one word, 
words are like contracts, you can´t go back behind 
because if you say something, nothing must change that fact.

Words has lost their meaning, you say it like the value is gone
Nothing is true if it  gets out of your mouth.
Why don´t you say the way you feel? 
Why do you need to lie to me? 

I always say the true, I don´t care if that don´t like to you
, but I won´t ever make you make false expectations, 
cause I don´t wanna lie, I don´t wanna hide what I feel inside.
So before lie to me thinking two times, Cause I won´t forget it never in my life

martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010


lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

Something isn´t right, I can feel it again, feel it again 
This isn´t the first time, that you left me waiting
Sad excuses and false hope high.
I saw this coming, still I don´t know why 
I let you in
I knew it all along, you are so predictable 
I knew that something would go wrong
So you don´t have to call or say anything at all !
You are so predictable ( so predictable)
So take your empty words
Your broken promises
And all the time you stole
Cause I am done with this

I could give it away, give it away
I´m doing everything I should´ve 
And now I´m making a change
I´m living today
I´m giving back what you gave me 
I don´t need anything

I knew it all along, You are so predictable
I knew something would go wrong
So you don´t have to call, or say anything at all
You are so predictable ( so predictable)

Now everywhere I go, everyone I meet
Everytime I try to fall in love
They all want to know why  I am so broken
Why am I so cold? Why am I so hard inside?
Why am I scared? What am I afraid of?
I don´t even know, this story never had an end
I´ve been waiting
I´ve been searching
I´ve been hoping
I´ve been dreaming you would come back
But I know the ending of this story
And you are never coming back 

Nothing is like it used to be, you don´t know how you make me feel.
 I feel more alone than yesterday, and each day I feel more pain.
Nothing is clear, just my own fears, everything is unfair is my pain.
I wonder why this happen to me, but inside I know my life is a shit.
Everybody lie me like I´m a fucking idiot,but anyone knows the way I feel inside
,I try to hide it but I´m away of that fact,anyway, nobody cares, if I feel sad or if I am mad.

No body wants to know the true, living a lie is all they do.
Pretending everytime they are with you but we all know they won´t ever do.
Lieing to themselves, pretending they don´t care, acting like they are living in love
, and they won´t ever feel hate or pain.

They pretend everything is alright, they hear the true but they don´t act like they would do.
 They believe they do all alright, and when they recognize their mistakes,
they just say sorry like it would cure my pain.

I don´t understand how could they act in that way, they´ve lost their escence,
they aren´t like they were, and they won´t ever be that again.
Why did you need to change in this way? All that you did was make me feel pain,
but inside I know it won´t ever be the same no matter if you want me in my way,
 I just can´t remember your old way

domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

I feel the emptiness inside when nobody is around

I feel something I just can´t hide, when I´m alone I feel like died
I feel a space, than can´t be fill with anything.
My life hasn´t got any sense , no matter If I´m pretending I am Ok
 It shows in my face, sadness and loneliness.
Inside of me there isn´t a positive thing, there´s no more hope, I am so complicated, I wish someone could change me.
Life is so unfair, I wonder why there are people dead that I wish there were here by my side, and why there are people living that I prefer they would die
My heart has been crashed in too many pieces the day you left me but I´m still standing here protecting everything that has to be with you because you made me who I am today,
When I cried for you I thought the same thing you did, I am in your skin, these tears are your tears
I feel the same way, you did some day, I feel the same pain, I am in your way.
I feel nothing inside, I wish you were alive, I dream with you everynight, and when I wake up I know you died.

sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010

Your words are so insignificant.Your reasons haven´t got sense at all
I just can´t understand the way you lied to my faceI can´t believe that you are not real but I see the truth
 and it says I cannot trust you.

You´ve lied to my face once again.

I didn´t believe you at all, and I didn´t hope you to do that.
But why did you say something you wouldn´t do,
 knowing that all that I want is to be with you ?.

There´s no more second chances, this play is end.
You take away everything for me, but I´m still standing here
My head is up, and my proud isn´t down so better think it two times before feeling regret, cause you just will regret about talking to me again

I just want to say thank you cause my personality is made up to fight with you.
I know just how to treat you in the right way, making you feel worst than anyone in this place. You are in a position that cannot be fixed, nothing you could do will repare all the damage that you did to me.

Revenge is all that care now, I know just one thing that I´ll do to night.
If you allow me to repare your mistakes, I will take away all my pain,
And I will put it in you, so now you feel the way that I´ve been feeling for so long.

There´s no more second chances, this play is end.
You take away everything for me, but I´m still standing here
My head is up, and my proud isn´t down so better think it two times before feeling regret, cause you just will regret about talking to me again.

There´s no more place for you in my head, there isn´t a part for you in my heart
You broke it all, the trust went away, you lied to my face, but you know I don´t care.
Cause I don´t need you anyway, you just don´t deserve anything I could give.
You just deserve some fucking shit I´ll give you if you treat me in the way I want you to do. Cause revenge won´t ever be late, if you want me to play again, it will shows all that I planned

domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

I don´t want to grow up, cause I don´t want to work like
Like this people that live for working, not for enjoying

Grow up the worst that could happen to you realizing life is not what you wanted too.
Getting over things that destroyed us at all. Feeling emptiness that is our all
They live for working that just all, they need some money to survive this life.
They expend everything in things they don´t need, and they believe that life is a shit.They are alienated, they don´t believe in anything. They just want to get material things like that is what they need.

True things, not material, to fill the space.
Something real, no need money for getting it.
No more lies, just need some time to realize who they are.
Stop working, start thinking and let go feel

They just work is all that they care, earn some money and let´s go expend.
They hasn´t got time, to enjoy what they buy, they just end in a suicide 
Life hasn´t got sense, if money is not enough, they just get depressed.
They believe that money is all, if they can´t get it, life will end wrong.

True things, not material, to fill the space.
Something real, no need money for getting it.
No more lies, just need some time to realize who they are.
Stop working, start thinking and let go feel

Nothing is more important, that expend it all, in things that are not neccessary for us.They can´t stop working, they won´t ever think that life is more than just a fucking new tv.A new car, or a pc, they just think is all they need, but they won´t fill the space.The past won´t be erase, just dreaming to have it all, but life is more than that.You won´t get it with material things, they just broke up, and what you will be without it.

sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

All the magic that I put in you, dissappeared.
All those things that made me felt alright, went out of here.
So much pain inside, is all I feel.
Dreaming of you everynight, thinking about you all time.
Nothings seems to be alright if I´m not by your side.
My life has lost all sense, without you tears go round my face.
Living is my nightmare,dreaming the only way I know to be close to you again.
Waking up is my torture, realizing I´m not with you.
Everymorning I cry cause I realize you are not alive,

My life has lost al sense, the smile went out of my face.
Tear the only thing that is touching me
Breathing is so hard that I think I´d die.
That´s the only way I´ll be by your side.

I look out, it´s rainning, rain drops are falling on me.
I´m listening radiohead, that helps me to remember you.
Music is my scape, is the way I know to be with you.
Sitting outside for an hour or two.
Thinking about you and all the times we´ve been.
Nothing is like it seems.
Believing in nothing, living like dying.

My life has lost al sense, the smile went out of my face.
Tear the only thing that is touching me
Breathing is so hard that I think I´d die.
That´s the only way I´ll be by your side.

Feeling the hours pass me by, I just need something that make me go out
But no one seems to care, If I´m not ok.
They just make me feel blame about all I´ve made.
They believe I´m strong because that is what I show.
But now I´m too weak, strenght went out of me
And I just don´t know if it will come again some day.
Because I can´t feel anything but Pain.

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Un amigo verdadero jamas puede ser olvidado, mucho menos reemplazado, no hay nadie que pueda reemplazar a alguien que te ha abandonado.
Puede haber miles de personas en el mundo las cuales podrian ser tus amigas, pero no lo son. Solo hay unos pocos que realmente ocupan ese lugar en tu vida, por que el tiempo que perdiste con ellos los hace unicos.Puede haber mil personas similares, pero hay una que aunque paresca igual a las demas, no lo es, por que es esa persona con la cual perdiste todo tu tiempo, y al perder ese tiempo ganaste mucho mas de lo que perdiste, por todas las cosas que con el viviste.
La perdida de un amigo, deja un espacio incompleto, un espacio vacio, que por mas que ganes mil amigos mas, el vacio siempre quedara. Por que en la amistad no hay reemplazo que valga. Todo lo vivido no puede ser ignorado y mucho menos dejado de lado. Por mas que intentes ocultar, tarde o temprano a la luz saldrá.
Dicen que los verdaderos amigos son los que siempre estan, pero como cuesta aceptar que los que alguna vez estuvieron ahora no ocupen el lugar como lo hicieron. Dejen un espacio en blanco,un lugar vacio, el lugar que ocupaba ese amigo.
Solo quedan los recuerdos de lo que alguna vez fue, por que lo que ahora es, no se parece en nada a lo que fue ayer.

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

How can you believe, in something you don´t see?How can you be so sure of something unknow?
Some people don´t believe in something if it´s not in front of their eyes, some people need to see to know that´s right but I ask to myself, If blind people don´t see how do they do to believe? I realize that it´s not neccessary to see, to know something is true. Because eyes are blind and we see with our heart and there is some escencial things but they are invisible to our eyes.So I believe in things that I can´t see, I believe it cause I feel it. And when you feel it, you can´t deny it.
Cause you don´t see the love, you feel love. Love is something invisible but it doesn´t mean that this is not here.So better follow what your heart says no matter if you can´t see it, cause the best things in this world are the ones we can´t see it
Hey hey You you I don't like your girlfriend
No way no way I think you need a new one
Hey hey You you I could be your girlfriend
Hey hey You you I know that you like me
No way no way You know it's not a secret
Hey hey You you I want to be your girlfriend

You're so fine I want you mine You're so delicious 
I think about you all the time You're so addictive
Don't you know what I can do to make you feel all right?

Don't pretend I think you know I'm damn precious
And how, yeah, I'm the motherfucking princess
I can tell you like me too And you know I'm right
She's like so whatever You can do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that's what everyone's talking about

Hey hey You you I don't like your girlfriend
No way no way I think you need a new one
Hey hey You you I could be your girlfriend

Hey hey You you I know that you like me
No way no way You know it's not a secret
Hey hey You you I want to be your girlfriend

I can see the way I see The way you look at me
And even when you look away I know you think of me
I know you talk about me all the time Again and again
So come over here Tell me what I wanna hear,
 better yet make your girlfriend disappear
I don't wanna hear you say her name ever again
And again and again and again
Cause:She's like so whatever
And you can do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that's what everyone's talking about

Hey hey You you I don't like your girlfriend
No way no way I think you need a new one
Hey hey You you I could be your girlfriend

Hey hey You you I know that you like me
No way no way You know it's not a secret
Hey hey You you I want to be your girlfriend
In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger
Cause I can
Cause I can do it better
There's no other
So when it's gonna sink in?
She's so stupid
What the hell were you thinking?

In a second you'll be wrapped around mt finger
Cause I can,Cause I can do it better
There's no other So when it's gonna sink in?
She's so stupid What the hell were you thinking?
Hey heyYou you I don't like your girlfriend
No way no way I think you need a new one
Hey hey You you I could be your girlfriend
No way, no way

Hey hey You you I know that you like me
No way no way You know it's not a secret
Hey hey You you I want to be your girlfriend
No way, no way

Hey hey You you I don't like your girlfriend
No way no way I think you need a new one
Hey hey You you I could be your girlfriend
No way, no way

Hey you...
No way...
Hey you...
No way no way
Hey hey!